I'm a mystery of a person
This maze inside my heart
Will keep you guessing
And just when you start
To think that you've got me
My heart will rip ..
A spoken word poem.
Twinkle, twinkle, little Star
How I wish you weren’t so far
Comforting light you send to me
Your little spark is all I see
Come closer to me, Dear
Place your hands upon my waist
Cast away all your fear
Glide your lips across my face
Until your lips meet their twin
I was once nothing
The creation of me being only a thought
Until I finally became
Now I have life
I have a body
I am a soul
My heart beats ..
He was scared, Reader.
Not only he, his siblings also.
Mother and Father had "rules"
But Mother and Father,
Well, Mother and Father didn't know,
I'd like to take a while, if that's okay with you. To search you out. Because you're the most exciting Adventure I've ever seen. Previously feeling as..
Night by night, I lie awake.
Reminiscing on times of old.
Drifting in and out of reality,
My thoughts feel more like home.
Pushing them away ..
This is for everyone of my friends on here and from Mibba & Imesh back in the day.
My heart throbs from the way you make me feel, Hope is rising and you make happiness real. I've always loved you, always intrigued. Now we are talking..