Writingfox : Writing

Am I Blue?

Am I Blue?

A Story by Writingfox

A response essay after reading a play
Once in a Blue Moon

Once in a Blue Moon

A Story by Writingfox

Written during a bout with insomnia and worries one night


A Story by Writingfox

Memories. It is funny what triggers them, songs, phrases, objects. It is even more strange the emotion some can evoke, the gestures from the past yo..


A Story by Writingfox

"The rain on the windshield is falling directly into my soul." Dull plats thud against the window panes of my grandmothers dining room turned bedr..


A Story by Writingfox

“Better a blot on your hand than on your soul.” Jolted out of her trance, she glances away from her paper and pen for a moment, glad to ..
Hemingway's Legacy

Hemingway's Legacy

A Story by Writingfox

The name'sfamiliar. A famous writer, right? So what? Hemingway. A man whose heart was ripped out by the woman he loved. War veteran who fought in I..
Take a Chance

Take a Chance

A Story by Writingfox

When God closes a door He always opens a window- -Some childrens movie from my childhood. My best friend. He knows everything about me. My dark..


A Story by Writingfox

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.- Albert Einstein You. First of all you c..
Hope Deffered

Hope Deffered

A Story by Writingfox

You know you love him, but that one love that could never be lingers silently in the depth of your heart. Your dream career is in the city, but you..
The Drive

The Drive

A Story by Writingfox

Ice blue eyes survey the dark shadowy parking lot in Nederland Texas. They can barely see the highway 69 overpass a fourth mile away. Fog so thick i..

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