Solyssia, December 20, 5599
Hyperion Security Force Building, August 24, 5629
As Paul drives the gravi-car through the low-level traffic, my heart was still pounding away inside me, anticipating the next move, because right behi..
I didn't have to put
on work clothes, since I slept with them on. I stepped in front of the mirror,
checking out what exactly Paul did to me. I look..
In a matter of seconds, the elevator
came down to my floor, the fifth floor, where I work in surveillance. Guys like
me are the scouts; we go out an..
For too long,I have called darkness home.I named it friend.I named it caretaker.I named it lover.I trusted only this black shade,shunning out all form..
The hands of the many must join as one...
Over time, I've watched with weary eyes,and read the crying words of all around me.I've seen depressed faces with depressed eyes,all going through a c..
My friends, my family,I write this with the last of my breath,the last iota of energy I have left in this world,though I doubt this parchment will be ..