Nicolas Jao : Writing



A Story by Nicolas Jao

One of my earliest memories was a dark, lonely night when my family was asleep upstairs. I had stayed up looking at the city lights below through our..
Theories of Rain

Theories of Rain

A Story by Nicolas Jao

On a winter night, I saw her at the train station that took me from the city to my suburban town. She had seen me first. She was beside the railroad ..
The Child Regret Department

The Child Regret Department

A Story by Nicolas Jao

The human existence is worthless. I say this not with a grain of salt, but a whole bag of it. It’s something I’ve learned over the years ..
The Hospital From Nowhere

The Hospital From Nowhere

A Story by Nicolas Jao

What if everyone lived in the same home? Then you can ask anyone in public, when does the train to home leave? When is our stop? They would always k..
Ant Funeral

Ant Funeral

A Story by Nicolas Jao

The progress of the friendship between Miles Dominguez and Millie Robinson was novel as it was warm, and time revealed it would pass on to become one..
Cardinal Things

Cardinal Things

A Story by Nicolas Jao

The sun was breaking light on a hopeless and bleak winter day like a flashlight into an eternal abyss. Ash thick as the snow on the ground falling in..


A Story by Nicolas Jao

I’m not the type of person to exaggerate things, but I guess you might think me of doing so. I’m a humble girl. I live with my blacksmith..
Decisions After Birth

Decisions After Birth

A Story by Nicolas Jao

The seventeenth of March was the day we all collectively know as The Day We Hated Kevin Zhang. It didn’t happen slowly. For all of kindergarten..
A Lobster's Visit

A Lobster's Visit

A Story by Nicolas Jao

An Atlantic true lobster kept moist can stay alive up to thirty-six hours on dry land. Today, the day I have chosen to visit and explore a human town..
Spirit Gallows

Spirit Gallows

A Story by Nicolas Jao

Wu Lei put his foot one after the other on the steep and narrow precipice, overlooking the maw of one of the most dangerous places on Earth. He gazed..

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