This is a curious occurrence, a situation that has never before been encountered. What an improbability that one of the strong conceived emotions, an..
Statistics show that most women aren't attracted to dead people.
I don't even know where this came from, but it felt calming
As the dreams are disappearing, and the hope is lightly sheering, it is ominously clear that something is not right.What once was easy, now is hard..
When inter dimensional travelers&best friends,Klover&Ferrett,have a sudden falling out,Klover can't handle it.Looking for solace,she realizes there ma..
I don't want you to ever leave.My heart is nothing without you,And yet I find it hard to breatheWhenever you are in my view.You are my dear heart, my ..
An imaginary friend has become unneeded. Where do imaginary friends go after their child doesn't need them? The adventures from childhood do not end..
You know that feeling when you wake up and don't remember where you are? I was feeling exactly that, except, I had never been in this place. That's t..
Here's a list of my favorite things:
1. the Sun
2. my name
3. Love, my girl
4. daisies
5. maps
There's no particular order to that list. At..