Ken e Bujold : Writing

When Verlaine Speaks to You

When Verlaine Speaks to You

A Poem by Ken e Bujold

Sing swift and savagely! Remember your day’s atramental muses, imagines of where life ought to have led, if only hand and feet had..
Old Men

Old Men

A Poem by Ken e Bujold

Betrayed by their youth, the graying currents, old men reluctantly turn back, recall the black and white of sun-flowered kodaks-- the po..
Ere of Chaos

Ere of Chaos

A Poem by Ken e Bujold

Immured a starless keep… still and unversed blank abyss… black--as only black inhered before the proemial dam burst… b..
Dark Matters

Dark Matters

A Poem by Ken e Bujold

Once the die had been fashioned, fired … Once man could speak of his dominion … Of fish fowl and flower, heaven and earth &he..


A Poem by Ken e Bujold

'foretelling perhaps ...'
Waking After Yeats

Waking After Yeats

A Poem by Ken e Bujold

Old men often wake too late to recall their long-sailed dreams. The brevity of youth, that tomorrow that never came, in the fall become..
Hail Ceasar

Hail Ceasar

A Poem by Ken e Bujold

Hail Guiseppe, my friends, is a seldom heard greeting between Romans anymore. Along the banks of the Tiber, querying the ides, Democracy&rs..
Dream of Orestes

Dream of Orestes

A Poem by Ken e Bujold

Behold, beware, Mycenae, the befated Orestes, Agamemnon’s cold-shouldered heir, back from Athens -- today’s the day for settling ..


A Poem by Ken e Bujold

"same name, same theme as an earlier poem, but this more towards the writer, poem that prompted the thought'
Remembering Che

Remembering Che

A Poem by Ken e Bujold

Late in the day you’re likely to find him stretched between two calloused palms, drink in hand, looking east, deaf to the sun. Tha..

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