I took the 56 bus downtownto a place once real,or at least in imagination.The flat windows and cold steelthat scraped against the winter skyfelt like ..
Am I insane?Blessed with trialsof unclean angelsperfected with imperfection,mirrors of experiencereflected in a cracked iris.The holy face that follow..
I am alone today, Alone in a cobweb with friends clamoring from the kitchen to the porch. Alone in the jokes bouncing off antique windows, alone ..
You are not here, I am not therewhile a gaping hole bleeds from my side;And I am emaciated.Artifacts are everywhere:From Governor's Islandto the trail..
I started smoking again It's terrible but, I'll buy another pack soon it helps me think: Hell is cold and unlit a metaphor for distance from love- so ..
Tornados form in the distance, products of wild imaginations on rolling highways. Wisps of n*****s barely swirling from green clouds turning above God..
The sun beats down on torn fencesabandoned yards, and broken cementof a World´s Fair stoop leading toward sidewalksonce walked by prostitutes..
I changed my status and proclaimed:"I was over you"I lied, I´m sorryit was a parlor trick I didn´t fall for,the same way I fell over the r..
(You)Sublime and calm,pecking and cooingat the unseen side of my brain.A breathless hug pinning my body to the floorasking me to come hard and let go ..
Is it to much to ask for something more than dopamine and ((pulsating)) cromatics beating and shaking against the walls counting time until your middl..