CStansfield : Writing

God's Great Plan

God's Great Plan

A Poem by CStansfield

This was originally made for my bible class, and it's mostly my work because I took this and put it here BEFORE my partners took it and altered it.
The Keeper of Time

The Keeper of Time

A Story by CStansfield

This is just something I came up with. It's not that good.
The Special Surprise

The Special Surprise

A Poem by CStansfield

You might have had this very special experience that's like no other when you were a child.
6ft Separation

6ft Separation

A Poem by CStansfield

This is about the Coronavirus and how it's been affecting our world.
A Little Kindness Goes a Long Way

A Little Kindness Goes a Long Way

A Poem by CStansfield

I know that some people are being bullied in their schools. This is showing respect and kindness for those who have suffered through bullying.
The Storm of Fear

The Storm of Fear

A Poem by CStansfield

This is an event I think many of you have experienced when you were a child.
Escaping The Storm

Escaping The Storm

A Poem by CStansfield

This poem really tells you about what people, especially young children, feel like when a hurricane or other storm hit their area. The people outside ..