He was bitten, bed-ridden and now endless.
Nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense.
Oris enters as a man looking for a Happy Ending. Instead he gets the shittiest news of his life, and from one of the cast of Brokeback Mountain.
Oris is man with little to no priorities except for his art, but after a night with a beautiful woman, he finds himself in a load of s**t, and only se..
English Homework
As my face change colors and become more defined As I look into the mirror and see the ghost that claims is mine As a penny on the ground is saved in..
It can not be seen, and it can not be heard, but it can be felt, and it can be burned.
Thoughts of a reject.
Don't be something you're not.
Short Poem