Going stir crazy inside 4 wallsNo visitors, no visitingNowhere to go at allWatchinng the newsPeople complainCalling for freedomDeclaring they've been ..
The wind howls madly around the houseRattling windows, blowing leaves and cut grass up on the porchSheets and towels hanging on the lineAre double and..
A yellow daffodil peeps upYawns and stretches in the morning sunCheerful squawks and furious flappingAs robins argue for anglewormsSwiped by the littl..
It's frosty cold with sparkling iceThe pines stand tall and stillThe tree out front seems made of glassAs the sun peeps o'er the hillI hear the neighb..
Time ticks on the clockold-year pass-ingRes-o lu-tionsRemember, as a child, when that seemed so important?Some of us had old traditionsThings to eat, ..
A frosty breeze doth blow the deadened leavesAnd mournful song the whippoorwill doth singThen dark and cold my shivering heart grievesTo think what ic..