I was not spoon fed loveand so, I am afraid, I do not knowWhat it is supposed to taste like.
I walk away
From things and people
Who don’t fill me with vision,
Regardless of who they might be.
I walk away,
Because ..
The Writer
I once tried to explain
To another person
What it was like to write stories.
You see, he never had written
A st..
Some secrets are right there in the open. They are so secret and so forbidden that the best way to hide them is by leaving them out in the open, where..
Everyone knows that stealing a horse is a hanging crime. A horse is life or death to man, and to take his horse is to sentence him to death. Because ..
Once upon a time there was a little girl with long blond hair who lived on a little farm with her father and mother and three laying hens, a pair of g..
Let me tell you all the truth about being a parent " You are
going to f**k up.
There. There it
is. You " yes, you,..
All the best
stories start out with “once upon a time” and this story is no different. Once
upon a time, in a small vil..
A book of fairy tales for the writer's children
A fairy tale written for the author's own daughter.