Honestly just a crude and angry rant
Most people believe it a gentle whisper,of new life in bright meadows,of love felt for the first time,the sound of a nursery rhyme.I hear the growl of..
Chasing yesterday
Silver dollar birch trees
Flashing golden streams
Sky’s that stretch
Beyond horizons
Of my sight
Cool nights
There is an emptinessbetween the sky-scattered with starsand dreams where we can fly-And grassy meadowswhere we skipped and ranwith light heartsand li..
Thin Ice, Frosted white,pooling by frozen curbs.They crack, like brittle ironto a child's delight.It says "broken,but beautiful;I paint the city stree..
I forgot the music;the way it bubbledout of me,desperate for escape.The way it rippedacross my soulinto my fingersand away.The way it lifted meon feat..
It's crazywhat can happenin the blinkof an eye.__________________People get engaged,babies are born,and others agewatching the coming storm.__________..
So tell me,Without hurried refusaland empty assurance.Without patronizing amusement.Could you love a monster?Could you lookinto apathetic eyes,past th..
You, are so many things to me.I can't count the meaning.It is difficult to see;but I see you when I'm dreamingI remember cold nightshuddled in your ar..
I stood aloneIn the crowdWhere are you?Where are you?The buzz filledmy earsevery conversationcrystal clearNone from you.None from you.I was tiredof th..