Joseph C Ogbonna : Writing

The Unknown Soldier

The Unknown Soldier

A Poem by Joseph C Ogbonna

A realistic tribute to the unknown soldier.
The Inevitable Two state Solution

The Inevitable Two state Solution

A Story by Joseph C Ogbonna

A history of the Palestinian conflict.
The Golden Sun

The Golden Sun

A Poem by Joseph C Ogbonna

A poem about the Sun. Nature
Mother GAZA

Mother GAZA

A Poem by Joseph C Ogbonna

A poem dedicated to the war ravaged people of Gaza.
Africa The Beautiful

Africa The Beautiful

A Poem by Joseph C Ogbonna

Optimism about Opulent laden Africa
My Global Panorama

My Global Panorama

A Poem by Joseph C Ogbonna

My poetic fantasy about a global panorama
Black October

Black October

A Poem by Joseph C Ogbonna

A poem about the raging Israel-Gaza conflict
The Unappreciated Woman

The Unappreciated Woman

A Poem by Joseph C Ogbonna

Oppression of Women
Yes, I am a Negro

Yes, I am a Negro

A Poem by Joseph C Ogbonna

I am very proud to be called a negro

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