Talk Folks : Writing

The unending Love journey of Mohit Goel!

The unending Love journey of Mohit Goel!

A Story by Talk Folks

Mohit goel has always been the most favorite employee of his boss and there’s hardly any day when he hasn’t been appreciated and applauded..
A deep dive into the revenue growth mechanism of the Hindi TV news genre

A deep dive into the revenue growth mechanism of t..

A Story by Talk Folks

The Virtue of leadership often has to go through a big list of barriers and challenges within an individual’s life and there are times when this..
How Men have been wrongly targeted for all the sexual harassment claims around?

How Men have been wrongly targeted for all the sex..

A Story by Talk Folks

When we talk about sexual harassment and its implications on the society, most of the people usually jump on to conclusions quoting “Women&rdquo..