CAL : Writing



A Poem by CAL

Little Wing

Little Wing

A Poem by CAL

In the evening's pale moonwhen the sun is dimmingA tiny blood clot patchis a heart bleedingSo delicate is this lifethat cuts into my brainwith every l..
Twisted Ribbon

Twisted Ribbon

A Poem by CAL

Ocean crests are running wild with the windThey sing in low tones kissing the shorewith seaweed eyelashes as mascara linesin a Sahara desert of endles..


A Poem by CAL

My Religion
Young Heart

Young Heart

A Poem by CAL

Young heart the Ocean calls the eagles will soar above Looking into your soul leading you to a crystal shore the crashing waves will kiss a sun..
Windy River

Windy River

A Poem by CAL

Windy rivers are veins Pulsating toward the shore It roars with kissing wakes Seagulls soar with acrobatic charm The dropping ..
The Voice

The Voice

A Poem by CAL

I sit there in calm subdue When a voice is lowered onto me Avoiding the disturbance I run for cover Running toward empty dark corne..
Always Remembered

Always Remembered

A Poem by CAL

No graffiti since the last time Sitting on this bench In the park Where syringes have injected Where c***s have penetrated I have i..
Singing With Ravens

Singing With Ravens

A Poem by CAL

Looking into blue green eyes A cold blue Ocean White windy sands Lost among missing islands A full moon is in the sky My mind..
The Pack

The Pack

A Poem by CAL

A pack sleeping evenlySurrounded by warmthIn peaceful dreamsThe night is silently hushed The rising and fallingOf rhythm is breathing As one body As o..

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