Everybody need help sometimes,
Everybody need someone .
To decrease the darkness,
From their life.
It's okay if you ,
Are surrounded by the dar..
Im still searching you,
In the city and crowd.
waiting to meet you,
And hear your sound.
I'm still finding you,
In my heart.
Because I don't w..
Whenever I gaze towards the sky,
It always reminds me of you and me,
The day we have spend together,
Whenever we smile whenever we cry.
It remi..
She knew it well,
She has feelings for him,
And so did he.
He knew it well,
He can trust her blindly,
And so did she .
Both of them tried ,
This year is about to end,
New year is about to begin.
Which will bring new surprises,
New fun and new enjoyment.
It's the time to bid,
I want to be with you,
But always step aside,
Don't wanna hurt you,
That something dark inside.
Stay away from me,
I don't want to hurt you,
There is a silent love,
Between you and me .
This is the truth ,
That I have seen.
For the first time,
you stared at me.
The sparkle in your eye..
It's not my death ,
It's the end of my life .
you will find me ,
At your every breath and smile.
I have departed,
From this cruel world .
Chocolates are tasty ,
Chocolates are sweet .
I used to eat them,
Whenever I see it.
Its so creamy,
It's made of milk,
It's feels so soft,
Those innocent eyes
Were looking so tired
As they were waiting
To see that last smile.
Those innocent eyes
Were filled with tears
As they we..