SinSeer : Writing



A Poem by SinSeer

George Floyd protest
The way his ears moved

The way his ears moved

A Poem by SinSeer

Poetry in motion
Patriots rise

Patriots rise

A Poem by SinSeer

Inspiring Political Prose
Pallet Poem

Pallet Poem

A Poem by SinSeer

Simple poem about pallet gardening
The Sofa King

The Sofa King

A Chapter by SinSeer

Horror Novella set in modern times
The Sofa King

The Sofa King

A Chapter by SinSeer

Horror Novella set in modern times
The Sofa King

The Sofa King

A Chapter by SinSeer

Horror Novella set in modern times
The Sofa King

The Sofa King

A Chapter by SinSeer

Chapter Seven “The GOP wants a theocracy. Period. If it’s not in the Bible then it is not taught. There goes science. They are r..
The Sofa King

The Sofa King

A Book by SinSeer

Horror Novel based in modern times
I love you

I love you

A Poem by SinSeer

Just a thought in time...