A Poem by Awz
Better off dead,For I am aware of my eternal loneliness,Better off dead,Because all too well do I know this loneliness,Better off deadFor comparison t..
A Poem by Awz
I'm Broken,And with my smoking,And throat choking,I have the thought that life is joking,For I am but a child,That is time not wild,My cold feet on th..
A Poem by Awz
Why does it.feel like I have let the whole world down,Have I deceived myself into thinking I have a greater purpose,,Or have I become aware of my purp..
A Poem by Awz
Carpe Diem, Carpe DiemTwo words which escape me,They escape the presence of my soul,They do not allow my being,My presence to live in the present,The ..
A Poem by Awz
Life makes no sense to me,An enigma that escapes my eyes,Forever the plethora of being,Is like an ongoing presence,With an iron maiden,That shows me n..
A Poem by Awz
I'm not gonna make it,
And I'm okay with that,
I am nothing special,
I am nothing amazing,
I am nothing extraordinary,
I am nothing.
A Poem by Awz
It seems like there is no end in sight,A struggle with all I come across,I know nothing,But I know everything is connected,What do I do with this reve..
A Poem by Awz
Carpe Diem, Carpe DiemTwo words which escape meThey escape the presence of my soulThey do not allow my beingMy presence to live in the momentThe momen..