Mommy,I cry out and cling to your hand.You look down at me,Two or three years old,Wearing my snoopy hat,Corduroy pants,Saddle shoes;A small girl, hold..
My rain has turned to snow,Freezing or killing the only flowerI chose to nurture.All colors left to meFade to white.I lose myself in the snow.
Darkness looms andShadows grow long.The moon hides behindA thick veil of clouds,The sky pregnantWith the promise of rain.Lightning arcsIn a blinding f..
Your love, it is my soul's abyss.I never dreamed so trueas when I dreamt of love like this,then, suddenly, found you!Out of the silent depths it rose,..
Alone, I rise to greet the dayWith just my dog beside me.I'm fated not to find my way -There are no signs to guide me.I care for her; she cares for me..
You touched my dreams tonight,Roused me from sleepWith memories and bittersweet tears.I ache for what I never again will have- My mother's arms around..
Fallen thoughts herein lie,The forgotten fragmentsOf a wasteful mind.Sadly their companyContinues to abound,Poor discarded ideasIn the burial ground.
I close my eyes and search,But I can't find your smile.It pains me deeply,That lost vision...It used to bring me such comfortAs I could find,Given my ..
A face shinesThrough the mist,A haze ofSecond-rate failureAnd good intentions.I find its purity puzzling,Startling with its smileAnd calm demeanor.A k..
You forge my organic addictionWith your tones of molten gold,Gleaming metallic notes of silver- hardened, embossed, and cold,Tempered like its artisan..