Seratha : Writing

Ch. 00 - An Invitation

Ch. 00 - An Invitation

A Chapter by Seratha

“Ah, a visitor. Welcome, welcome.” The hooded figure remained in his seat, hunched over the only piece of furniture in the room,..
Arc I: The Demon on F-sharp - Ch. 01 - The Box

Arc I: The Demon on F-sharp - Ch. 01 - The Box

A Chapter by Seratha

Shivering, I straddled a plain black box in my lap. My breathing came out in gasps; I could hardly control it. The lump in my throat was growing bi..
Ch. 02 - Breaking Dawn

Ch. 02 - Breaking Dawn

A Chapter by Seratha

Life is a routine. A series of events predicated by a certain order, and the high point of any order is its beginning. From the beginning, everythi..
Ch. 03 - The Illustrious Student Council President

Ch. 03 - The Illustrious Student Council President

A Chapter by Seratha

Music? Strange. Who else would be here so early? My footsteps echoed through the vacant hallways, only to be drowned out by the chorus of ..
Ch. 04 - The Transfer

Ch. 04 - The Transfer

A Chapter by Seratha

“Good morning, Miss President.” “Good morning, girls,” I smiled to a group of fellow third years on their way to cla..
Ch. 05 - New Kid on the Block

Ch. 05 - New Kid on the Block

A Chapter by Seratha

I sighed half-heartedly, passing an egg salad sandwich from one hand to another with disinterest. Fifteen minutes into our lunch break and the mos..
Ch. 06 - Izanami

Ch. 06 - Izanami

A Chapter by Seratha

BEEP. What? BEEP. What is that infernal noise? BEEP. Whatever it is, it's getting louder. BEEP. ..
Ch. 07 - Unconditional Love

Ch. 07 - Unconditional Love

A Chapter by Seratha

Gently, I brush away locks of auburn hair from Hannah's dozing face. She's still sleeping, or should I say, she's still unconscious, and sitting limp..
Ch. 08 - Interim

Ch. 08 - Interim

A Chapter by Seratha

The room rematerializes. Its features have remained unchanged since the first visit. Despite the low hanging ceiling and cramped enclosure, it feels ..
Arc II: Catching Stars - Ch. 09 - Barricade 14

Arc II: Catching Stars - Ch. 09 - Barricade 14

A Chapter by Seratha

The afternoon winds bite at my exposed skin. All of our exposed skins. I see my fellow workers shuddering, as I am, in the bitterly cold weather. We ..

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