I am the hook and the twitch on the line.
I am the glitch that rewrites all your code.
I am the fog that seeps around your brain.
I am your pain at..
The Dream of the Rood is an Old English (Anglo-Saxon) poem composed in or before the 8th century, recounting a vision of the Holy Cross. This is my pr..
The last plea of Macbeth's guardian angel. First appeared in "Dappled Things", Lent/Easter 2006, under the pen name "King Alfred".
A verse translation of JRR Tolkien's poem in Gothic, "Bagme Bloma".
First appeared on The Bitter Scroll blog, October 27, 2005.
First appeared in "Dappled Things", Christmas 2007.
"Pray for me that this great conflict / Should not have broken me in vain."
"I, alone among the crowd around me, / Am doomed to dark and silent struggle"
"When we begin to read the poetry we’re part of / it will catch us off-guard"
Damp, heavy blanket suffocates the inside fire; cool breeze lures it out.
First appeared in "Dappled Things", Lent/Easter 2008.