They always told youyour hands were your bestfeature. Your height, your smile,your laugh, your hair..Your eyes, but they were wrong.They did not mean ..
You insistand you are angry.But they pleadwith theireyes.You chokeand try tohide it.They see itand care foryou.But they arebeginning tochoke too.Begin..
I hide in God's shadowas my heart is immuredand panic rises to aplace above my tightlyclosed eyelids.Stripping me of,of the dignity Ihave pretended to..
You wouldn't havebeen a letter.You never hadthat much to say.Not a love letter,I would havelaughed at that.Nor a billboard,you never had tosell yourse..
Shudderingbreathe in.but it'shard when you lookat me like that.Eyes are not meant to bespikes or barbs,but deep dark pools.You try to convince meit is..
You walk alonearms outstretchedreaching for that beamof light. The goldenreams of silky light.You shrug off yourclothes, enrapturedby what you couldha..
It's a patterna game we play"I love you" said through clenchedteeth and frozen eyes.We roll back and forthyou and Inever making that decision to get u..
Beyond thisthere is a lake.I am sure of it.Surrounded by hillsthat have beensoaked with thehappy cries of thosewho have escapedto this sanctuary.Beyon..
We have been caught.Well not yet, but soon.We are the momentwhen the oak in theforest falls...Moments before itfallsand makes asound.You are I are the..
You think these tears are for you.Foolish.I let them drop to theground forme.At first our scentswere to me thegreatest of all symphonies.Our talk, the..