I see what in tarnation,why do I see a nation covered in tar?computer monitors should be takenfrom the business room andput out in the hallwaysix is a..
nerdy quadranglemisandry, misanthropyflow openlygulf of Ob estuarymisogynistic douchery,dweebery, dorkerywritten off piecemeallike minor regulationsfr..
so I wrote a poem today,and Dyson is suing me forpatent infringementand even when Thomas Jeffersonsmirks at you knowingly becausehis metallic visageha..
life is a train wreckon the track anchoredby the flaming balland pretending to knowmore than you really dois really pointless,because even knowingwhat..
the females have cried foul,and the males have been triedand fried by the executionersfairly or unfairlyand is the culture reallychanging or are we ju..
no man is an island,yet we are individuals...islands with their own looks,sounds, thoughts and feelingsand so many of them locallyare manning islands ..
Roky and Redboneresigned into repose recentlyrelegated to the reachesof superb sonicsand yet they thrived through,true to themselves,thimbles yes,stil..
write the Coke Zero of prosebecause Canada went dryseveral hours agowell it hasn't actuallysince cheese puff Pol Potsigned that executive orderat the ..
lift up the arm and let the needleset itself into the groove becausethe pen holder is trying to be poeticyet again and failing miserably asis par for ..
This wall of text, this word saladIs the opposite of a balladJibber-jabber, blither-blatherAll about his jimmer-jammerJimmie-jammer, Schlub-a-dubPulli..