This is a set of poems! Remebering, there is more than 1 poem...
The stroke of the brush,
My canvas still and steady,
Whirrling colours, spin around,
A masterpiece is yet to be found.
My imagination thinking,
*Sighs* I'm always in the rain.
I felt the warm, summer breeze,
blazing across my face,
The tall shadowing trees,
Shading me from the beating sun.
The mild wind, gushing,
He's the boy who kicks,
Footballs too far,
He's the guy that yells at his parents,
He is the guy who makes far too much,
Noise and destruction.
♥ I Let My Heart Go ♥
I let my heart go,
Because I know,
That you love me,
Your lips pressed against,
Your smile,
Wondering of how there clocks Work........