When she was fourteen, she believed she was invincible. She believed that even though people could hurt her they wouldn't because they loved her. She..
I am emotional, sympatheticIwonder why I'm hereIhear ringing in my earsIsee shadows of peopleIwant reasonIam emotional, sympatheticIpretend I'm happyI..
Physically,you aren't here.Mentally,you never leave.i am safer with you aroundeven though you're only in my mind.i write your name on my wristthe blac..
The queen ofKhaezoviasat in her magnificent throne, twirling her hair on her finger. "Guard," shecalled. Aman in a pristine uniform marched over to he..
I watched him every day. Every single day. I knew where his classes were. I knew which car he drove, and where he parked. I knew who he sat with at lu..