The vacancy within me contracts
in fruitless imitation of accomplishment,
as the earth turns red
from the blood that precipitates
and scor..
Because I forgave you for raping me--Because I forgavethe metallic taste of your belt buckleagainst my lips,the degradation of new leathercircumnaviga..
an ekphrastic poem, inspired by Edgar Degas' painting, The Star
A woman pauses to admire the tulips,
her ancient hands stroking the velvet blossoms
with nostalgia,
and asks me
--a pathetically harmless ..
for my sister
Her lungs,birds around her heart,stopped fluttering their weak wingsbeneath the morphine and the steady hum of the electric blanket.Her body stoppedas..
“I think it is highly
After all, what my wife
most of all is me,
and the [robot]
is me to the hairiest
You’re ten and Lucas Garcia holds
your wrists against the RC machine
in the corner.
The vending area is encased
by a wire cage
after watching my niece being born, October 2010
One of a series of poems I wrote during my first trip to NYC.