I'm sensitive yet hardened,
Like an oak standing 100 years,
Felled by toxic waste, in poisonous soil.
I’m the crumbling remnants of a for..
Boy girl, boy girl - that’s the ticket.
Didactic tactics will, ‘guide’, us.Lack of representation, insidiously we’re trap..
When people tell you it's 'not your fight',
How dare they tell you,
What is worth it to make you shake with fury,
Quail and quake with an anger t..
Idle teens lounge like lions basking in savannah sunthey cover surfaces, an infestation of apathydiscussing what is happening.They just don't know..
He dashes across the room,Slam! the door is shut tight - impervious,impenetrable,as scarlet pennies clatter to the floor.White red light of the bathro..