The bell ranged and all classes was over for the day,Sumiko quickly ran to her dorm room to change outfits,her school uniform to a waitress outfit.The..
A beautiful spring morning had came and at CherryStone Academy the alarm went off in room B7,waking up Michiko who heard Kyoko already up in the showe..
Ouside on the school field,Kyoko pulled down her baseball cap abit,grining as she gripped onto her baseball bat and spit out her gum. "Bring it on,man..
"Oh yeah weekend!!!! haahaa!" Kyoko up early cheering loud with enthusiam. "Heehee,what is this?" Michiko sitting up in her nightgown smiling. "Someon..
The evening time had came,the bus had dropped off Ayumi and Kyoko to a neighborhood and Ayumi invited Kyoko over her house. "Wow lovely home" Kyoko sa..
Kyoko had fell asleep over Ayumi's house and still sleeping on the couch with Ayumi in the kitchen sighing, as she remember how she and Kyoko kissed a..
During the begining of night,Michiko and Kyoko went out to catch a movie where Michiko held onto Kyoko's arm screaming and Kyoko happily enjoying the ..
Ayumi holding the door,ready to shut it."What is it you want?" "I know Michiko isn't here,can we please talk?" Michiko smiled. "Umm okay" very uneasy ..
Best friends Kyoko and Michiko have a strong bond that began to break when another comes between them,that later become to much that it may push one o..
"Come out,come out,where ever you are" said Illyria grining. She was sitting on her bed with passion and longing in her eyes,starring at her closent w..