Smiles only seal the deal when answers are unknown.The phone is ringing endlessly; I guess that you’re not home.Slanting light reminds me that t..
Need blossoms inside me, like a flower in full bloom.Normalcy renders me useless, to the snake, impending doom.I want what I cannot have the most.Visi..
How easy it would beto lay upon the ground,
to never breathe againto die without a sound.Howeasy it would beto slowly close my eyes,
to black out al..
I never want to wake up from this dream. Its reality is my fantasy. A world where I am safe.Safe to feel, and to smile.And to be anyone I want to be...
I’m lost in a whirlwind of people and sounds,trapped in a world where my head always pounds.Where my mother sings songs I don’t understand..
I am forgotten.Hidden away, veiled.Not a soul will find me. I am nowhere. I am lost, never to be found.Forgotten. Alone. I am nothing to the world: a ..
The thought of you, makes me cringe.The sweet words and sarcastic remarks.The tears shedfrom my bloodshot eyes.You killed me.Slowly, painfully, sadist..
Time can only tell.Follow the stars round the moon.The sand slips through the glass.Your dreams are coming soon.A new world opens up.Figurines dance t..
It seeps through my poresand crawls through my veins.Turning my blood blue to black,bruising my skin and leaving it’s mark.As I feel it within m..
I drown myself in alcohol,to burn away my thoughts of him.The liquid slides straight down my throat.My clothes are off. The lights are dim.He twirls h..