Candice Flores : Writing

My Work of Art

My Work of Art

A Poem by Candice Flores

My life is a puzzle with a thousand adjoining parts The overall picture is fuzzy since i'm just at my start Everyone gives suggestions on where ..
Loving Him Is Everything

Loving Him Is Everything

A Poem by Candice Flores

Love is more than just an emotion, it embraces a wide array of sentiments, actions, and feelings, including the highs and lows that life throws at you..


A Poem by Candice Flores

Even though some friendships fade and are quickly forgotten, there are those life-long friends who prove themselves closer than blood, this poem is ab..
Go To The Ant

Go To The Ant

A Poem by Candice Flores

Based on Proverbs 6:6-8...the Bible depicts the ant as an industrious creature that is always on schedule, efficient, and effective.... if only humans..
That's What I Get

That's What I Get

A Poem by Candice Flores

Marriage isn't always glamorous or some fairy tale life, it's about learning everything your spouse does that bugs the heck out of you, but still want..


A Poem by Candice Flores

Sometimes thoughtless remarks can be more painful that physical bruises, and the effects can stay with you for years
Our Decisions

Our Decisions

A Poem by Candice Flores

If you knew that the person you loved the most was being unfaithful, would you let it get the best of you? Would you move on? Would you fight? This is..
The Real Life

The Real Life

A Poem by Candice Flores

Steadily advancing moving undettered Progressing thru life Changing course absurd Won't break off pursuit with my prize just ahead Because what ..