I might have cheated in that I only took the hearseuntil it broke down and then instead took to my feet,Through those country lanes,Scarcely lined and..
Far From Bearded PiratesFar from bearded pirates of the worn tracks and treetops,Tops through which the gales howled and so rose and fell the waves on..
Just an experimental short story I've been working on
I wear this watch upon my wrist,That needn't tell the time,But hold the moment firm and still,Through sun and moonlight shine.With hands as frozen as ..
The fiddler wiped the shards of sweat from his brow,And then took a rest,While his brother tuned his instrument accordingly,And the room readily died...
A Stricken, Bested Swan,With tainted feather wode,Through endless glacial lakes of wonder,Through endless lakes of gold.Yet she did not make a vengefu..
At Parallel Worlds Collide,Our shadows often meet,To dance upon the nothingness,With careful, muted feet.Fingers locked we are but two,But two for whi..
I feed the flames with words unspoken,And give the embers hope.Sighing and coughing it slowly burns itself dry,Cursing damnation upon its first spark...
My muse has been misplaced,Lost in brooding Trojan suburbs,Where the torches sparked from embers of faded glories,A place granting of only partial rel..