Santa Claus, loved by billions throughout time, delivering our presents every year without fail has had enough, feeling under-appreciated he decides i..
a world full of hatred, 1 shooting star, millions of wishes leading to a desire as old as time.
a brief insight into thoughts of insignificance whilst on holiday.
A look at the woman who have played a part in the life of William Percival Knight
Even unwanted clothing can get a second chance.
What would happen if your team were plunged into financial crisis and their existence threatened? Kelvindale, a successful Scottish football team are ..
Amron, The biggest and most powerful country in the world of Zygaria has a new leader. President Harburgs predecessor brought peace after decades of w..
Ever woken up after a bad dream unable to remember a thing about it?
Trying hard to remember anything about it, but failing.... me too.
Two crimes, Two Guilty men, One mysterious stranger.
Can it really be a coincidence that both men vanished after coming into contact with this strang..
A glimpse into the life of your average Zombie