Ronald Legaspi Reyes : Writing

This Poem

This Poem

A Poem by Ronald Legaspi Reyes

Thinking of words is difficult.
The Messy Road

The Messy Road

A Poem by Ronald Legaspi Reyes

This poem tells about life full of challenges that, though we struggle in place, we still find it beautiful in the end.
Should we do, we do

Should we do, we do

A Poem by Ronald Legaspi Reyes

We tend to make decisions without thinking about it. We we plan for "perfectness" but decisions made during the process alters, thus matter a lot!
Thinking Not Thinking

Thinking Not Thinking

A Poem by Ronald Legaspi Reyes

It's difficult to think that your are thinking, though, ;)
Time Fool's Time

Time Fool's Time

A Poem by Ronald Legaspi Reyes

Life is a never ending broken expectation.