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donothavespecsbutstillanerd : Writing

cleanliness and its implications on health and hygiene.

cleanliness and its implications on health and hyg..

A Story by donothavespecsbutstillane..

this is actually a speech on cleanliness and its implications on health and hygiene. this is an important topic. I won the second prize with this spee..


A Story by donothavespecsbutstillane..

this article is a cliche and may sound a bit over the top, but i wrote this for people like those in my school in mind...ugh... to much insecurity in ..
What happens at the Devils abode

What happens at the Devils abode

A Poem by donothavespecsbutstillane..

yest another short poem i made in a free period..honestly, i have to much free time.
The Blank Page

The Blank Page

A Poem by donothavespecsbutstillane..

this is a random poem i made one day at school in a free period. where did i get the inspiration? There was a plain white blank page in front of me.