were i to ever stop and pause(and the goosebumps come already,coating my bare legs,tracing the outline of my finally tanned shouldersa poor reactionto..
how small my voice seems,
how little my impact
upon the uncaring masses.
how loud must i scream to be heard above the..
occasionally, a morbid feeling
permeates and overcomes
eventually sapping at life forces until
you're forced to take a mental-healthy-day,
incuribility, what a mouthful
what a sorry state to place your life in.
i've heard that we only get one,
life, that is,
at least once,
on occasion, i feel that perhaps this is all pointless
and if i move from where i precariously sit
day after day, week after week (year afte..
i could feel it in my powder-white bones,bleached by sun and circumstance,that things could not get much worse from here.
what a pleasure to make the acquaintance of someonewho i didn't think--realize?--was important until this minute.you go along and talk to themabout od..
you've seen them,we all have, i'm sure,those peoplewho won't admit to being hipsterswho are so obsessed with beingdifferent, unique, individualthat th..
that stagnant feelof too many ideas and not enough time,that over powers so much soand lords over youwith a chip-toothed smile.oppressive,in such a wa..