Anastasia_Snow : Writing



A Poem by Anastasia_Snow

What goes up always comes down. Toppled mountains and fallen stars. Things that glitter lose their shine. Rusted cans and broken mirrors. ..


A Poem by Anastasia_Snow

The rain tumbled from the sky. I trembled in my bed. Drip Drop Drip Drop Spilling from the big, dark clo..


A Poem by Anastasia_Snow

If you live with just One eye open, you might miss An entire world.
Dandelion Offerings

Dandelion Offerings

A Poem by Anastasia_Snow

I once met a girl of age three or four. At first meeting, she offered me Something I will not forget: A small yellow dandelion. She held it out ..
Disappearing Act

Disappearing Act

A Poem by Anastasia_Snow

When I want to disappear for a while, They always seem to find me. But when I want to be around them, They seem to disappear themselves.
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Compartment 114
Compartment 114


A Poem by Anastasia_Snow

Death took my hand, and I asked where we were going. He simply said, "On."
Hiding from Death

Hiding from Death

A Poem by Anastasia_Snow

I found her curled up under the covers. "You cannot hide from me, my friend." Her frail form shook. Her soft voice said: "You cannot take m..


A Poem by Anastasia_Snow

The wind in my hair And the grass beneath my feet Tell me I'm alive.
I Am The Wind

I Am The Wind

A Poem by Anastasia_Snow

The grasses and trees bow down when I pass - I am the wind. I rustle long hair and the autumn leaves - I am the wind. I am welcomed on a w..


A Poem by Anastasia_Snow

I search the places That no one has ever thought Of searching before.

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