KwillCall : Writing

Dark Superhero Concept Sample

Dark Superhero Concept Sample

A Story by KwillCall

A sample for a story concept I was working on with a friend a few years ago. The sample is short and introduces a couple of the characters as well as ..
Sample #1

Sample #1

A Chapter by KwillCall

This is the first sample I've written, displaying a scene that would take place during the first act. It introduces a few elements of the story withou..
Sample #2

Sample #2

A Chapter by KwillCall

This sample delves a bit more into the mystery of the main protagonist, introducing another level of the paranormal within the setting. I chose to kee..
Sample #3

Sample #3

A Chapter by KwillCall

This sample is the longest thus far, and serves as an attempt to give the main protagonist a more proper, if suspenseful, introduction, while also int..
Untitled Project

Untitled Project

A Book by KwillCall

I'm trying to get a decent gauge on my skills as well as interest on the story concept I've started. I've written a few samples so far, and would like..