Lois Jean Biddle : Writing

The suicidal girl

The suicidal girl

A Story by Lois Jean Biddle

The suicidal girl Lois j. Biddle 02-06-2016One morning the girl awoke out of bed and thought to herself,wondering i..
problems are real

problems are real

A Story by Lois Jean Biddle

Problems are real Lois j. biddle 01-05-16There once was a boy who was sad and his mom was a drug addict...
secret life no one knew

secret life no one knew

A Story by Lois Jean Biddle

Secret life no one knew Lois j. biddle 4-15-16 There was once a girl that I've never seen do anything but laugh.When y..
Her last words

Her last words

A Story by Lois Jean Biddle

The last words of her storyLois J. Biddle05-30-2016Caroline awoke out of bed, to the sound of the singing birds, she heard the sweet harmony sounding ..