It is an event, which I thought to share with you. After reading, if you think you also have something to share, please do share it with me. I would l..
Though everyone like to read, but this piece of my writing tells you if you are a passionate reader or not. You may read it and are free to disagree w..
Thought it is a short informal article, but since there was no option for article here, so I am presenting my writing in the category of a story.
While playing with the rainbow,Didn't realize when I slipped down.Tried make others laugh,Instead got their frown.Tried touching stone in diamond,But ..
A Rain DropA hot Wind,In Scorching heat,Whirling on the,Rhythm of the Beat.Got the wings of the cloud,In her new form she sang loud.Her crystal clear ..
When the mind is sucked in a pandemonium,Finger play with the sand grain,Eyes are in search of some sunshine,But, brain says, now breath is at end.Whe..