atgettler77 : Writing

Relations I

Relations I

A Poem by atgettler77

bound by singular moments of exceptional momentum our steppe ranges without confinement, crossing lands whose juxtaposition cannot be ..
New York City I

New York City I

A Poem by atgettler77

a lax lithe confidence enables street born youth to take every three o’clock homebound sojourn anew, daily redefining wander..
Interiors I

Interiors I

A Poem by atgettler77

teasing addiction with potentials whose practicality is nil rewards neither synapse nor flesh, prolonging pain mistaken for love. ..
American Racism I

American Racism I

A Poem by atgettler77

roots disassociated from rain refuse to grasp an earth codified by its reverence for inclusion, penchant for dynamism, and ben..