Today I vacuumed right into the corners.Suck.Suck.Suckawayall the dust and hair I have lived in.I died this year.In April, I died.She took my body awa..
There's a tide here too,in not-so menacing suburbia,prophylactics in the hedgerows(at least we keep it safe),the ebbing and flowing,fall and riseof pu..
I don't know. I actually do not know.
I miss her.
Addressed to a stranger.
I learnt to read underneath you.Lined up our collarsas if we were fixing each other's ties.A school run at midnight;I am learning through dawn.Art ass..
Just like a Winter sun,enthralled in play in clouds,you are forgettingwhat your shoes look like,as they walk in puddles,ocean-wide.
Ugh. Lordikins. This is what forced poetry looks like. Happy now, McLean? Haha...
I inherited my father's face, I think. But my mother's eyes.And mouth.Which sounds odd, I know.They're the shape of my father's
but the colour of my ..
You learned to swim long beforeyou'd ever met the water,and I recall a Winterin which you met the air.Sign a line on yellowed paperto call you ours an..