minedigte : Writing

Split between two

Split between two

A Poem by minedigte

Any body who fall in love with two men or women can understand this.


A Poem by minedigte

What should i say:)
Diseases make us humble

Diseases make us humble

A Poem by minedigte

It´s an honest description how i felt when i was sick last month.


A Poem by minedigte

Well it is just a thought.
Dogs and human

Dogs and human

A Poem by minedigte

I often see the care and love given to domestic dogs and cats, but on the other side i see people ignored and forgotten. Don´t take me wrong, i ..
I detest jobs

I detest jobs

A Poem by minedigte

Many people are going to jobs they don´t like. I have been there. Doing a job one is not passionate about is just spiritual suicide.