justice : Writing

One New Notification

One New Notification

A Poem by justice

One New Notification A sudden vibration interrupts Billie Joe Armstrong just before the chorus of Shenanigans' fourteenth track..
The Ailurophiles

The Ailurophiles

A Poem by justice

It's in the air,perfectrevolution.Swish!The whole worldwatches in anticipationas this young teamtopples the Autocratsin thrilling fashion.However, the..
Flash Fiction (200 words)

Flash Fiction (200 words)

A Story by justice

This is my first attempt at flash fiction. I am not sure how it went... I appreciate any and all comments! Thanks!


A Poem by justice

A womanwaits in linebehind two kidsat the corner 7/11.She watches themtake their candy,get on their bikes,and ride away.She sets her Ramenand box of a..


A Poem by justice

Truth is likeone of thoselittle toy dogsthat you don’tnoticeuntil it is too lateand you stumble right over it.
A Cliche

A Cliche

A Poem by justice

Personification of emotionand complex ideasis a really clichéd practicebut,Karma really is abitch.
My Sock

My Sock

A Poem by justice

My sock caught a snagand a single threadunraveled.Without a thought,I pulled the strand And now,I am leftwith nothing but a pile of cottonI have a ter..
Around the corner,

Around the corner,

A Poem by justice

a blast of blue comes screaming just outside the coffee house. A small boy, no more than five, is beaming with a chocol..
An Abandoned Mutt

An Abandoned Mutt

A Poem by justice

An abandoned mutt sits under a flickering streetlight in the blowing snow of January. His white fur blends effortlessly with the bli..
A Shattered Pig

A Shattered Pig

A Poem by justice

A young boy walks into the bank with a shattered pig. He waits in line behind an old woman who is supporting herself with a cane. She w..

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