CaffeinatedMe : Writing

Match made in Hades

Match made in Hades

A Poem by CaffeinatedMe

A whimsical take on the a condemned soul being filibustered by a Devil who takes pride in the job he was made for.
From Within the Grip

From Within the Grip

A Story by CaffeinatedMe

How the influence of addiction(demons) eventually led to one tragic night, changing the life of 5 people, including my best friend of 15 years now in ..
Cries Unheard

Cries Unheard

A Poem by CaffeinatedMe

A loss that I can't put in words, but here is a shot.
Martyr Machine

Martyr Machine

A Poem by CaffeinatedMe

So easily life is squelched out, if for a cause it is to be glorified. Countless heroes the world will never know, gone. Death is ugly, lets honor t..