Horseluvared : Writing

A purple night sky

A purple night sky

A Poem by Horseluvared

A description of a night sky


A Story by Horseluvared

Tears were pouring down her face, remembering the times she had, they had. Nothing would ever be the same. She was a mess, her silver hair was fine an..
Girl in a forest

Girl in a forest

A Story by Horseluvared

There was a girl, her face was pale, her bony hands touched the spiky bark, it pierced her skin and pearls of blood began to drip slowly from her ..
Breaks can be mended, but shatters can't.

Breaks can be mended, but shatters can't.

A Poem by Horseluvared

Tears streaming down her face,remembering that he never loved her,moonlight shining,reflecting off her dull face,her eyes watery,and her heart broken,..
My room... messy :P

My room... messy :P

A Poem by Horseluvared

Looking around a messy room lol


A Poem by Horseluvared

The weather outside is terrible right now...


A Poem by Horseluvared

Idk... describing love?
Blank faces surround me

Blank faces surround me

A Poem by Horseluvared

Blank faces surround me, Eyes looking straight through me. Fear of messing up or not looking right, Critical looks from all around me, Longing for on..
Pondering my evil thoughts

Pondering my evil thoughts

A Story by Horseluvared

A boy ponders his evil thoughts...
A lonely tree

A lonely tree

A Poem by Horseluvared

The lonely treeThe lonely tree, It stands alone in a burned down forest, All that's left is shrubs, It looks lonely and sad, In fact someone carved a ..

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