Ivan A. Bosco : Writing

Naked Skin

Naked Skin

A Poem by Ivan A. Bosco

Naked skin that I touch,Naked skin that I lick,Naked Skin wich upon I sinSoft, warm, naked
Real As It Is

Real As It Is

A Poem by Ivan A. Bosco

Time come and done,the place, the time, the space,no coincidence,just what he saw is what there was,reality, raw naked reality,is this not better than..
Modern Ahab

Modern Ahab

A Story by Ivan A. Bosco

"You ugly son of a b***h, got ya" he yelled as he threw an old tennis shoe at the mosquito. His rancid laugh echoed through his room, he was victorio..
Tunji (Saxophone's Soul)

Tunji (Saxophone's Soul)

A Story by Ivan A. Bosco

Angry is the music, angry is the soul Beast like lungs blowing trough, creating melody, turning noise into spirit Long lost memories, found..


A Poem by Ivan A. Bosco

Stomping the ground the great steps of the crowd roar through the streets,a mass, a formless mass of hurried figures, archaic, ghostly figures rushing..
Time Out

Time Out

A Story by Ivan A. Bosco

"S**t" he thought to himself, for he had again forgotten his pack of cigarettes in the back seat of his car, he was a bit late and he wouldn't go back..


A Poem by Ivan A. Bosco

A short remembrance of insomnia and tiredness


A Poem by Ivan A. Bosco

A mock of nausea


A Poem by Ivan A. Bosco

An experiment on spontaneous prose, from the inside to anyone who may read it, thanks


A Poem by Ivan A. Bosco

Spontaneous prose, I feel (as always) extremely nervous about feedback, I'm trying to find my place in writing and I dream about dedicating my life to..