Laura Lin : Writing

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A Chapter by Laura Lin

Refusing to turn a blind eye to the evil that lurks within the city, Alex becomes a new kind of hero after being turned into a vampire.
Thomas P. Scott

Thomas P. Scott

A Chapter by Laura Lin

Introducing the detective of the story.
In Death There Is Life by Laura Lin

In Death There Is Life by Laura Lin

A Book by Laura Lin
Look What the Storm Blew In

Look What the Storm Blew In

A Story by Laura Lin

Alex Milds had been an outlaw since she was 9 but due to a freak of nature she found herself whisked away to a new world where she would become the he..
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Laura Lin

Alex is introduced to her new wold.
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by Laura Lin

Good guy, bad guy.
cHapter 3 and 4

cHapter 3 and 4

A Chapter by Laura Lin

these two will most likely be merged together in the final draft. mainly these two chapters are more character development and introducing characters..
chapter 5

chapter 5

A Chapter by Laura Lin

5 The time passed slowly for Alex as she waited near the lake where the previous night had found her sprawled out on a bench...
In Death There is Life

In Death There is Life

A Book by Laura Lin

An ordinary girl thrown into extraordinary circumstances.