reetu : Writing

Most Beautiful by Far

Most Beautiful by Far

A Poem by reetu

"Endless forms,most beautiful,"by farI think.In this small world of ours,where so much of life has already been devastated- still there is a pulse.Pul..
Hämärrys / Dimming

Hämärrys / Dimming

A Poem by reetu

I read today perfect propaganda news in first time ever. Therefore, I wanted to make my small effort for freedom of speech and press freedom.
Turning point

Turning point

A Poem by reetu

Educational poem of Finnish society
Let Me Rest in the Frost / Anna mun levätä pakkasessa

Let Me Rest in the Frost / Anna mun levät&aum..

A Poem by reetu

Anna mun levätä pakkasessa, Let me rest in the frost,huurteisessa kalmassa. in the evaporating cold death.Jä..
My Dawn

My Dawn

A Poem by reetu

My first English poem. Some metaphors can be tricky because they are from Finnish language. Feel free to comment and correct, and thanks for reading t..