I think I know that he doesn’t love
And I hold my breath when I’m with him
Because I’m waiting for the shoe drop to happ..
Why did you stop writing?
I have inquired this so many times,
And all you do is shrug,
All you do is tell me that you don’t know,
Slowly, we dance our waltz,One two three, one two three, on and on,But I’m on two when you’re on one,And I know how this dance ends, Slow..
He called me a hopeless romantic.He said that I was naïve for wanting someone to love me like the sun loves the moon,And he turned up his nose w..
Rage against the dying world,Rage against the light,Rage against the sorrows that bar my heart from flight. The morning left me winded,The evening le..
This poem is dedicated to my father.
Her heart beats quickly, and it beats red wine.His breathing slows, and he inhales her scent.She drinks him in with her midnight eyes.He hears her si..