X 2 0Harsh words stay longer,The bitter old man holds dear to him wrongdoings no one understands at a young age.Platforms for social interaction, stro..
VersionsMachines no more,Tight spaces of existence,Dreaded dailies, goreFalse symbols of sex,Sense of security,Loss. Click. Bang.Reload. Crime counter..
I couldn't say for certain,Nay.I know with certainty that I drink for nights that challenge my sanity.Divine apprehension of belonging,Certain damnati..
Your tears fall,A river surges forth.I stand back,A tree weeps its firth.Cascading engines roar past,Not a sound could really be heard.Our love will l..
A long road down which we walk, shows not footprints nor tread. I look past my mother and note the changing clouds beyond. Although darkness surrounds..
Colors of intensity,the ever-elongated stripe of nonsense within.Orderly it appear,though no longer does it seem quite as sheer.From eye to eye,questi..
A terrible two-some came tumbling down the street,come now children, we must retreat.Their rollocking and hollering in the night,it was no wonder why ..
Water spills into thine lap,pouring over into the encompassing gap.Eyes bend backwards into the casts,only to find nothing that lasts.Moldings of ever..
Leaves vanish beneath my feet,the natures of our seasons leave.Footsteps past,not long before they don't last.Furnishings of present life,never do the..
Come,the night is nigh.Dumb,you fool,you idiot,of mine.Grudgingly,hesitantly,a motion of utterance pounces forth.A settling of hand on the stoop,just ..